Unity releases: All Greek to me
What LTS stands for. What they actually are and how they relate to the Asset Store.
The sad truth
Unity has had a long standing reputation for bad releases. People inside Unity may disagree but to this day it is a safe bet that any new major release won't be stable until it has been out for about a year.
LTS (Long Term Support)
A common problem with long standing software products like Unity is fragmentation. Often users are reluctant to switching versions, especially if they have had bad upgrade experiences in the past. For a few years now Unity has tried to combat this problem with so called Long-Term-Support releases. These are meant to be safe havens for the not-so-adventurous users. A long therm release gives a user to option to forgo the most recend feature in exchange for a more stable product that is supported with patches for years. This has become a common practice.
SemVer (Semantic Versioning) and why this author thinks Unity is making it look bad.
Beispiel patch version changes
Render pipeline releases (URP, HDRP, BuiltIn)
TODO: Tabelle mit Uniy versionen in korrelation mit welche Render pipeline und ShaderGraph versions.
Packages & Internal Module releases
TODO: UIToolkit als package vs internal module als Beispiel warum es teilweise so ein Durcheinander ist und warum manche Dinge (UIToolkit) noch nicht release werden sollten.
Asset Store releases
TODO: Unitys neue Bezeichnung für "min support release"
Unitys push für LTS
TODO: Unitys neue Bezeichnun