Unity Insights

These insights are derived from a database of 108,757 Unity Assets.
Last Update: 2025-02-10

Free vs Paid Assets

Free Assets 9,770 (9%)

Paid Assets 98,987 (91%)

New Assets

New assets per day average (last 12 months): 51


These numbers should be taken with a grain of salt as they are derived from the asset title via text analysis.


Total views last week: 2,502,562
Free views last week: 756,651 (30.24%)
Paid views last week: 1,745,911 (69.76%)

37% of all paid assets have had 10 or more views.


54% of all paid assets have 10 or more wishlistings.

Recently Updated

22% of all paid assets have been updated within the last 12 months.

Code Assets

These numbers should be taken with a grain of salt as they are derived from the publicly available file lists.

Code vs No-code: Assets containing files which ends like a code files (.cs, .dll) are considered to be a code asset. If no such file is found then the asset is considered to be no-code or unknown.

Closed- vs Open-SourceCode: Code assets containing files which end like a library (.dll, .so) are considered to be closed-source. If no such file is found then the asset is considered to be open-source or unknown.


21% of all paid assets have two or more ratings.


23% of all assets cost between $5.01 and $10.00.


75% of all assets have at least one video.


61% of all assets have at least one keyword.

Render Pipelines

Only 48% specify the supported render pipeline. The bar chart only represents the data from those assets.

70% of the assets that provide data on their render pipeline do support URP.

Triangle Counts

These numbers should be taken with a grain of salt as they are derived from the asset descriptions via text analysis.

The triangle counts are bundled from 1-1000, 1001-2000, 2001-3000, ... . The triangle count is the highest number or triangles found per asset.

13.90% of the assets for which we know the triangle count have between 1 and 1000 triangles.

Image Resolutions

These numbers should be taken with a grain of salt as they are derived from the asset descriptions via text analysis.

The image resolutions are bundled from 1-32, 33-64, 65-96, ... . The resolution is the highest number found per asset.

15% of the assets for which we know the image resolution have a max resolution of 1024x1024.