
These articles are here to remind you of things you have known but forgotten and maybe teach you something new.

How to symbolicate an Android native stack in Unity

If your app crashes on a device then you will get a crash log and it may be a native backtrace.
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Composition vs Inheritance in Unity

Although inheritance is a powerful tool, composition is quite often the better approach. This article explores what happens if composition is used whenever possible.
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Unity [Attributes] to the rescue

Attributes are a true productivity booster. Here is a list of the handiest attributes in Unity. You ignore them at your peril.
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Surprises with Scriptable Objects and private fields

It is general knowledge that the Unity Inspector shows every that is serialized unless it is hidden with the [System.NonSerialized] attribute. If we want a private field to be serialized and visible we add the [SerializeField] attribute. So far so good...
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Byte code striptease

We all know about Managed Code stripping and that we have to manually mark code to not be stripped if that code is not referenced (called by reflections for example).
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