Tips, Tricks & Tidbits
Work smarter instead of working harder. These articles will teach you valuable tips and tricks for game development.
How to make a great game trailer
Your trailer is among the first things people will see about your game. Within seconds it needs to catch the audience's attention and convey what your game is.
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Polish your game
Polishing a game is an essential part of development. After all, games are all about emotion. Shiny effects and great camera work can make your game stand out from the crowd.
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Game Cameras
The best camera system is one that you never notice is there. Here are a couple of talks on the history of game cameras and some tried and true methods for making them great.
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List of handy tools for Windows
Being a developer is hard work. Here is a list of tools that will help you out in a tricky situation.
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GIT good in Unity
Using a VCS (Version Control System) is a no-brainer. And the go-to solution among VCSs is GIT.
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Unity [Attributes] to the rescue
Attributes are a true productivity booster. Here is a list of the handiest attributes in Unity. You ignore them at your peril.
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Start with first scene script
Sometimes when working on a scene in Unity you do not necessarily want the play mode to start with that scene (which is the default behavior).
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Fix slow Visual Studio Debugger
If you are using Visual Studio and the attachment process to Unity is very slow then try to delete all breakpoints before adding new ones.
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Unity Events with dynamic values
Something that's easily missing is the top "Dynamic" section in the function selection.
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Application.dataPath points to /Assets
If you need a quick handle on the Assets folder in the Editor then you can simply use:
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Surprises with Scriptable Objects and private fields
It is general knowledge that the Unity Inspector shows every that is serialized unless it is hidden with the [System.NonSerialized] attribute. If we want a private field to be serialized and visible we add the [SerializeField] attribute. So far so good...
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Byte code striptease
We all know about Managed Code stripping and that we have to manually mark code to not be stripped if that code is not referenced (called by reflections for example).
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Fixing bounding boxes for Unity cloth
If the bounds center of a skinned mesh renderer is outside the camera frustum it will not be rendered unless you have the Culling Mode of the Animator component set to Always Animate. Now the tricky thing is that for cloth the bounding box is sometimes...
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